

Hacking on things
Joined June 8, 2023
tmcw avatar
Express (deprecated)
TODO List Every web project needs a todo list, right? This is val.town's first (maybe?) With a healthy dose of htmx and web fundamentals, we're packing the essentials of a TODO list with server persistence and animations into about 60 lines. The data is stored in the @tmcw.todos val, for now. Try it out.
vtdocs avatar
Resy bot This bot books restaurant reservations via Resy. Use it to snipe reservations at your favorite restaurant! How to use it Set up a scheduled val to call it like this: import { resyBot } from "https://esm.town/v/stevekrouse/resyBot?v=2"; import { email } from "https://esm.town/v/std/email?v=13"; export default async function (interval: Interval) { const bookingInfo = await resyBot( { slug: 'amaro-bar', city: 'ldn', day: '2023-07-05', start: '19:00', end: '21:00', partySize: 2, // Use https://www.val.town/settings/secrets for these! email: Deno.env.get("resyEmail"), password: Deno.env.get("resyPassword"), }) // If the val doesn't error, it successfully made a booking! // Send yourself an email like this: await email({ text: bookingInfo, subject: 'resy bot made a booking for you!' }) } How it works This val makes the same requests that your browser would make when you reserve a slot on Resy (that's why it needs your login info – to request an auth token). When there isn't a matching slot, this val errors and nothing else happens. When a booking is available, this val books it and returns a description of the booking so you can email it to yourself (Resy will also email you). This val will then stop attempting bookings for you until you change one of the arguments you're passing (it concats the non-sensitive arguments and uses this as a key). Credit to @rlesser and @alp for their existing Resy vals (search for resy on here).
neverstew avatar
This val allows you to send me an email at a certain datetime. Fun!
ktodaz avatar
Send Chunked Discord Message This function is used to send a message to a Discord webhook. If the message exceeds the maximum character limit (2000 characters), it will be divided into chunks and sent as multiple messages. Parameters message (string): The message to be sent to the Discord webhook. Return Value This function does not return any value. Example Usage: const message = "This is a long message that needs to be sent to Discord. It may exceed the character limit, so it will be divided into smaller chunks."; await @ktodaz.sendDiscordMessage(message); In the above example, the sendDiscordMessage function is used to send the message to the Discord webhook. If the message exceeds 2000 characters, it will be split into smaller chunks and sent as separate messages. Required Secrets: Ensure you have added the secret for discord_webhook in your val.town secrets settings (Profile -> Secrets)