

Joined December 5, 2024
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Allows to publish a ntfy notification using a fluent builder configuration. Usage example import { ntfy } from "https://esm.town/v/xkonti/ntfy"; await ntfy() .toServer(Deno.env.get("ntfyServer")) .asUser(Deno.env.get("ntfyUser"), Deno.env.get("ntfyPassword")) .toTopic("testing") .withMessage("Hello there!") .withTitle("First test") .withViewAction("My website", "https://xkonti.tech") .withTags("package", "val-town") .withPriority("high") .publish(); ⚠️ For the notification to be sent it needs to be published ( publish function). Use helper Executes specified functions that can modify the notification. Can be used to streamline authentication, apply common operations, etc. import { ntfy } from "https://esm.town/v/xkonti/ntfy"; const toMyNtfyServer = (builder: ReturnType<typeof ntfy>) => { builder .toServer(Deno.env.get("ntfyServer")) .asUser(Deno.env.get("ntfyUser"), Deno.env.get("ntfyPassword")); }; await ntfy() .use(toMyNtfyServer) .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .publish(); You can pass it multiple functions. Functions toServer(url) - optional Specifies a server that the notification will be sent do. By default it's https://ntfy.sh . asUser(user, password) - optional Authenticates with the user and password. Please use ValTown's secrets for this. await ntfy() .asUser('user123', '12345') ... usingToken(token) - optional Authenticates using the provided token. Please use ValTown's secrets for this. await ntfy() .usingToken('some-token') ... toTopic(topic) - required Specifies which topic to publish the message to. await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') ... withMessage(message, markdown) - required Specifies the main message of the notification. You can also flag it as markdown by passing true as a second argument. By default markdown is false . await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') ... await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('Your garage is **flooding**!', true) ... withTitle(title) - optional Sets the title of the notification. await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withTitle('Garage') .withMessage('You left the front door open') ... withPriority(priority) - optional Sets the priority of the notification. Possible from lowest to highest priority: min , low , default , high , max await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withPriority('high') ... Alternatively you can use dedicated functions: .withMinPriority() , .withLowPriority() , .withDefaultPriority() , .withHighPriority() , .withMaxPriority() await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withHighPriority() ... withTags(...tags) - optional Sets tags of the notification. This overrides any previously existing tags. await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withTags('door', 'safety') ... withDelay(delay) - optional Sets the delay for notification delivery. Read ntfy docs for more info. await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withDelay('tomorrow, 10am') ... withViewAction(label, url, clear?) - optional Adds an action button that opens a website or app when tapped. label - Label of the action button in the notification url - URL to open when action is tapped clear - Clear notification after action button is tapped (defaults to false ) await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withViewAction('View Val', 'https://www.val.town/v/xkonti/ntfy') ... withBroadcastAction(label, intent?, extras?, clear?) - optional Adds an action button that sends an Android broadcast intent when tapped. label - Label of the action button in the notification intent - Android intent name, default is io.heckel.ntfy.USER_ACTION extras - Android intent extras. clear - Clear notification after action button is tapped (defaults to false ) await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withBroadcastAction('Selfie', 'Take picture', { 'cmd': 'pic' }) ... withHtmlAction(label, url, method?, headers?, body?, clear?) - optional Adds an action button that sends a HTTP request when tapped. label - Label of the action button in the notification url - URL to which the HTTP request will be sent method - HTTP method to use for request, default is POST headers - HTTP headers to pass in request. body - HTTP body as a string clear - Clear notification after action button is tapped (defaults to false ) await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withHtmlAction( 'Self-destruct', 'https://self.destruct/initiate', 'POST', { 'Authentication': 'Bearer 123' }, '{"countdown":60}' ) ... withClickUrl(url) - optional Makes the notification open the specified URL when clicked (tapped). withRawAttachment(filename, filedata) - optional Attached a file to the notification. Only one file can be attached. await ntfy() .toTopic('home-automation') .withMessage('You left the front door open') .withRawAttachment('todo.txt', 'Nothing!') ... withUrlAttachment(url) - optional Attaches a file that is hosted elsewhere (URL). withIcon(url) - optional Sets an icon for the notification. viaEmail(email) - optional Sends the notification via email instead. viaPhoneCall(number) - optional Sends the notification via a phone call . The number defaults to yes , which makes it use the first phone number defined on your ntfy account. withoutCache() - optional Disables the cache for the notification. Read the docs on caching for more info. withoutFirebase() - optional Disables Firebase forwarding for the notification. Read the docs on Firebase for more info. withUnifiedPush() - optional Indicates intent of using the Unified Push for the notification. Read the docs on Unified Push for more info.