

Joined August 18, 2023
Public vals
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IIIF Presentation API for the digital collections of the Rijksmuseum . This val accepts requests in the form of: https://sammeltassen-rijks.web.val.run/[identifier] You can locate the identifier under "Persistent URL" at the bottom of an object page on the Rijksmuseum website, e.g.: Persistent URL: https://id.rijksmuseum.nl/200738982 Request: https://sammeltassen-rijks.web.val.run/200738982 The val first requests a machine readable representation of the object's metadata. For more information, please refer to the Rijksmuseum Data Services . The edm profile contains a pointer to the IIIF Image API Enpoint hosted at Micrio . For debugging you can request the raw edm response (converted to json) as follows: EDM response: https://sammeltassen-rijks.web.val.run/200738982?format=edm The val checks if the objects has additional parts, and fetches the information for those parts as well. This will slow down the val for large objects! It then passes this on to IIIF Builder with some metadata to create a IIIF Presentation Manifest. Some objects with many parts for testing: Kaart van Delfland Kaart van het Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland ( alternative ) Plattegrond van de Kaart Figuratief van Delft Kaart van het Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland Les Forces de l'Europe, Asie, Afrique et Amerique en Les costes de France et d'Espagne Album met de kaart van de stad Rotterdam NB: Unfortunately, not all objects include pointers to the IIIF image. This is for example the case for the The Night Watch (id: 200107928 ). In such cases, a manifest is returned without canvasses. Todo: Add more metadata to manifest Cache responses? https://www.val.town/v/xkonti/cache https://docs.val.town/troubleshooting/migrating-deprecated-http-vals/#intentionally-caching-values-for-performance
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IIIF Presentation API for 4TU.ResearchData . URL scheme: https://sammeltassen-iiif44tu.web.val.run/[datasetUUID] Examples: https://sammeltassen-iiif44tu.web.val.run/e3f72cb2-9432-4ae9-a353-67f22dbab590 https://sammeltassen-iiif44tu.web.val.run/9a2b38e4-e87f-4600-8fe1-1989f4155b1d If the dataset is private you need to create a token and include it as a query param: https://sammeltassen-iiif44tu.web.val.run/[datasetUUID]?token=[token] If no uuid is provided the val currently defaults to one of my private datasets used for testing... Todo: Add more metadata from the Djehuty API response. Limitations: This is a temporary workaround until the Presentation API is implemented as part of Djehuty Only images are currently supported (not video/audio) The val needs to do some API requests before producing the manifest and doesn't cache responses Credits: Image API implementation by Roel Janssen of 4TU.ResearchData. The source code can be found here IIIF Builder by Stephen Fraser
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Rumsey Roulette This val returns a random Georeference Annotation from the David Rumsey Map Collection . More information about the source data can be found here . You can use this val by copying its HTTP endpoint and opening it in Allmaps Viewer : https://viewer.allmaps.org/?url=https://sammeltassen-rumsey_roulette.web.val.run Each time you refresh the page, the viewer will load a random map from the Rumsey collection! In total 56626 maps have been georeferenced.
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Random Maps API This val returns one or more random rows from a SQLite database as a JSON array. Each item represents a digitised map from a collection and contains the following properties: { // SQLite identifier "id": 70607, // Slug for the organisation "organizationId": "lmec", // Title of the map "title": "A topographical map of the northn. part of New York Island, exhibiting the plan of Fort Washington, now Fort Knyphausen, with the rebels lines to the southward, which were forced by the troops under the command of the Rt. Honble. Earl Percy, on the 16th Novr. 1776, and survey'd immediately after by order of his Lordship", // IIIF Presentation Manifest URL "manifestId": "https://collections.leventhalmap.org/search/commonwealth:9s161881v/manifest", // IIIF Image URL (first image in the manifest) "imageId": "https://iiif.digitalcommonwealth.org/iiif/2/commonwealth:9s1618824" } The val returns a single map by default. You can change this with the following parameters: count=100 Request a specific number of maps (max 1000) org=lmec Request maps from a specific institution For example: https://sammeltassen-allmaps.web.val.run/?count=100&org=lmec The val is used to offer maps to new users of Allmaps Editor . The scrapers used to gather the source data can be found here .