

Previously an Amazon Software Engineer, Building Open-Source Communities for Tech Professionals Site: https://ShawnCharles.com CV: https://ShawnCharles.com/resume
shawnbasquiat avatar
// This val creates a publicly accessible kitten image generator using the Val Town image generation API.
shawnbasquiat avatar
// This val creates an image resizing service using the Cloudinary API.
shawnbasquiat avatar
// This val creates a kitten image generator using the Val Town image generation API.
shawnbasquiat avatar
// This approach will create a Tinder-like swiping interface for profiles.
shawnbasquiat avatar
// This val creates a cover letter generator using OpenAI's GPT model
shawnbasquiat avatar
// This approach will use web scraping to fetch user information given a Twitter handle.
shawnbasquiat avatar
// This val creates a mailing list manager using blob storage for persistence.
samwillis avatar
Forked from maxm/pgliteNpm
iamseeley avatar
👤 valTownUser The valTownUser object provides a convenient interface to interact with Val Town's API and access user-specific information and functionalities. User Information getUserInfo() Fetches and caches the user's information. Use case: Retrieving all user details at once. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const getUserInfo = () => valTownUser.getUserInfo(); // Example usage: const userInfo = await getUserInfo(); console.log('User Information:', userInfo); // You can also destructure specific properties you need: const { username, id, email, tier } = await getUserInfo(); console.log(`Username: ${username}`); console.log(`User ID: ${id}`); console.log(`Email: ${email}`); console.log(`Account Tier: ${tier}`); getUsername() Retrieves the user's username. Use case: Displaying the current user's name in a val. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const getUsername = () => valTownUser.getUsername(); // Example usage: const username = await getUsername(); console.log(`Current user: ${username}`); getId() Retrieves the user's ID. Use case: Using the user ID for database queries or API calls. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const getId = () => valTownUser.getId(); // Example usage: const userId = await getId(); console.log(`User ID: ${userId}`); getBio() Retrieves the user's biography. Use case: Displaying the user's bio on a profile page. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const getBio = () => valTownUser.getBio(); // Example usage: const bio = await getBio(); console.log(`User bio: ${bio || 'Not set'}`); getProfileImageUrl() Retrieves the URL of the user's profile image. Use case: Showing the user's avatar in a val. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const getProfileImageUrl = () => valTownUser.getProfileImageUrl(); // Example usage: const profileImageUrl = await getProfileImageUrl(); console.log(`Profile image URL: ${profileImageUrl || 'Not set'}`); getEmail() Retrieves the user's email address. Use case: Sending notifications or verifications. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const getEmail = () => valTownUser.getEmail(); // Example usage: const email = await getEmail(); console.log(`User email: ${email}`); getTier() Retrieves the user's account tier. Use case: Implementing tier-specific features. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const getTier = () => valTownUser.getTier(); // Example usage: const tier = await getTier(); console.log(`User tier: ${tier}`); URL Generation getEndpointUrl(valName) Generates the endpoint URL for a specified val. Use case: Creating links to val endpoints in your application. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const getEndpointUrl = (valName: string) => valTownUser.getEndpointUrl(valName); // Example usage: const endpointUrl = await getEndpointUrl('mySitesServer'); console.log(`Endpoint URL: ${endpointUrl}`); getValUrl(valName) Generates the Val Town URL for a specified val. Use case: Creating links to val pages in Val Town. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const getValUrl = (valName: string) => valTownUser.getValUrl(valName); // Example usage: const valUrl = await getValUrl('myVal'); console.log(`Val URL: ${valUrl}`); User Activity getLikedVals(options) Retrieves the vals liked by the user. Use case: Displaying a list of the user's favorite vals. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const getLikedVals = (options = {}) => valTownUser.getLikedVals(options); // Example usage: const likedVals = await getLikedVals({ limit: 5 }); console.log('Liked vals:', likedVals.data); getComments(options) Retrieves comments related to the user. Use case: Showing a user's comment history. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const getComments = (options = {}) => valTownUser.getComments(options); // Example usage: const comments = await getComments({ limit: 10, relationship: 'given' }); console.log('User comments:', comments.data); getReferences(options) Retrieves references to the user's vals. Use case: Tracking how often a user's vals are used by others. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const getReferences = (options = {}) => valTownUser.getReferences(options); // Example usage: const references = await getReferences({ limit: 5 }); console.log('Val references:', references.data); Blob Management listBlobs(prefix) Lists the user's blobs. Use case: Displaying a file manager for the user's stored data. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const listBlobs = (prefix?: string) => valTownUser.listBlobs(prefix); // Example usage: const blobs = await listBlobs(); console.log('User blobs:', blobs); storeBlob(key, data) Stores a new blob or updates an existing one. Use case: Uploading user files or storing large datasets. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const storeBlob = (key: string, data: any) => valTownUser.storeBlob(key, data); // Example usage: await storeBlob('myFile.txt', 'Hello, World!'); console.log('Blob stored successfully'); getBlob(key) Retrieves a specific blob. Use case: Downloading a user's stored file. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const getBlob = async (key: string) => { const blobData = await valTownUser.getBlob(key); return new TextDecoder().decode(new Uint8Array(blobData)); }; // Example usage: const blobContent = await getBlob('myFile.txt'); console.log('Blob content:', blobContent); deleteBlob(key) Deletes a specific blob. Use case: Removing old or unnecessary files. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const deleteBlob = (key: string) => valTownUser.deleteBlob(key); // Example usage: await deleteBlob('myFile.txt'); console.log('Blob deleted successfully'); Val Management listVals(options) Lists the user's vals. Use case: Displaying a dashboard of the user's created vals. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const listVals = (options = {}) => valTownUser.listVals(options); // Example usage: const userVals = await listVals({ limit: 5 }); console.log('User vals:', userVals.data); createVal(valInfo) Creates a new val. Use case: Programmatically creating vals based on user input. import { valTownUser } from "https://esm.town/v/iamseeley/valTownUser"; export const createVal = (valInfo: any) => valTownUser.createVal(valInfo); // Example usage: const newVal = await createVal({ name: 'myNewVal', code: 'console.log("Hello, World!");' }); console.log('Created val:', newVal); updateVal(valId, updates) Updates an existing val. Use case: Implementing an "edit val" feature in your application. deleteVal(valId) Deletes a specific val. Use case: Allowing users to remove their vals through your interface. SQLite Database Operations executeSqlite(statement) Executes a SQLite statement. Use case: Running custom queries on the user's database. listTables() Lists all tables in the user's SQLite database. Use case: Displaying the structure of a user's database. getTableSchema(tableName) Retrieves the schema of a specific table. Use case: Showing the structure of a particular table. getTableContent(tableName, limit) Retrieves the content of a specific table. Use case: Displaying the data stored in a user's table.
stevekrouse avatar
Cross-platform safe Lucia-middleware This is a pretty ugly sittuation. It's really a hack around the way @stevekrouse/lucia_middlware was written, but to make it safe to import on the frontend, because it only imports the backend stuff dynamically per request.
janpaul123 avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Fork this val to your own profile. Create a Val Town API token , open the browser preview of this val, and use the API token as the password to log in.
jxnblk avatar
Forked from jxnblk/resrvStreaming
janpaul123 avatar
Forked from std/blob
janpaul123 avatar
Forked from janpaul123/reacttldraw
janpaul123 avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from janpaul123/VALLE
janpaul123 avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from janpaul123/valTownChatGPT2