Browser Infrastructure for AI Agents
Public vals
Steel + Puppeteer Starter This template shows you how to use Steel with Puppeteer
to run browser automations in the cloud on Val Town.
It includes session management, error handling,
and a basic example you can customize. This starter
templated was ported from
this one on Github . Quick start The script shows you how to: Create and manage a Steel browser session Connect Puppeteer to the session Navigate to a website (Hacker News in this example) Extract data from the page (top 5 stories) Handle errors and cleanup properly View your live session in Steel's session viewer To run it: Get your free Steel API key at Add it to your Val Town Environment Variables as STEEL_API_KEY Click Fork on this val Click Run on this val Writing your automation Find this section in the script: // ============================================================
// Your Automations Go Here!
// ============================================================
// Example automation (you can delete this)
await page.goto('');
// ... rest of example code You can replace the code here with whatever automation scripts you want to run. Configuration The template includes common Steel configurations you can enable: const session = await client.sessions.create({
useProxy: true, // Use Steel's proxy network
solveCaptcha: true, // Enable CAPTCHA solving
sessionTimeout: 1800000, // 30 minute timeout (default: 15 mins)
userAgent: 'custom-ua', // Custom User-Agent
}); Error handling The template includes error handling and cleanup: try {
// Your automation code
} finally {
// Cleanup runs even if there's an error
if (browser) await browser.close();
if (session) await client.sessions.release(;
} Support Steel Documentation API Reference Discord Community