

mayor of val town
jdan avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
basicAuthButton An authenticated micro-app for tracking the last time I took a medication. Both GET / and POST /press are authenticated using honoBasicAuthMiddleware . GET / Views the value of basicAuthButton:last-pressed in blob storage. POST /press Updates the value of basicAuthButton:last-pressed in blob storage with the current timestamp.
maxm avatar
Image generated from a path name powered by fal.ai https://maxm-imggenurl.web.val.run/firefly.jpg https://maxm-imggenurl.web.val.run/retro-computer-hacking.jpg https://maxm-imggenurl.web.val.run/100-yoyos-at-once.jpg
pomdtr avatar
Lastlogin Authentication for val.town Looking for an hono integration ? See @pomdtr/lastloginHono Support login in trough: Email Link QR Code Google Oauth Github Oauth Gitlab Oauth Facebook Oauth Demo You can try a demo at https://pomdtr-lastloginhonoexample.web.val.run (see @pomdtr/lastLoginHonoExample for code) Usage Wrap your http handlers in a lastlogin middleware (sessions will be persisted in the lastlogin_session table on your sqlite account). If you want to be the only one able to access your val, you can use @pomdtr/verifyUserEmail. import { lastlogin } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/lastlogin"; import { verifyUserEmail } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/verifyUserEmail"; export default lastlogin((req) => { return new Response(`You are logged in as ${req.headers.get("X-LastLogin-Email")}`); }, { // check that the user email match your val town email verifyEmail: verifyUserEmail }); If you want to customize how is allowed to signup, you can set the verifyEmail option: import { lastlogin } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/lastlogin"; export default lastlogin((req) => { return new Response(`You are logged in as ${req.headers.get("X-LastLogin-Email")}`); }, { verifyEmail: (email) => { email == "steve@valtown" } }); You can allow anyone to signup by returning a boolean from the verifyEmail function: import { lastlogin } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/lastlogin"; export default lastlogin((req) => { return new Response(`You are logged in as ${req.headers.get("X-LastLogin-Email")}`); }, { verifyEmail: (_email) => true }); Public Routes import { lastlogin } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/lastlogin"; import { verifyUserEmail } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/verifyUserEmail"; export default lastlogin(() => { return new Response("Hi!"); }, { verifyEmail: verifyUserEmail, public_routes: ["/", "/public/*"], }); See the URLPattern API for reference. Logout Just redirect the user to /auth/logout
cameronpak avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Homeless Services by OurTechnology At OurTechnology , we create technology solutions to empower and equip those who serve the homeless. We have a large data set of available resources in the US to aid in helping those experiencing homelessness find local resources, community, and support. This private ( but public to read ) API is used in our ChatGPT Assistant, Homeless Services . Why a ChatGPT Assistant ? OpenAI announced on May 13, 2024 that free users will soon be able to "discover and use GPTs and the GPT Store ( OpenAI )" There's a larger number of people experiencing homelessness who own a phone than what I imagined. ChatGPT allows for a simple interface, even with voice chat (a more natural way to navigate the tool), to find resources to help those experiencing homelessness. And, it's fast! Technical details The data set has been compiled together over the years and will continue to be updated as new techniques and partnerships make that possible. We use Typesense , a search as a service tool, to provide lightning fast search results for homeless resources near you. This endpoint is created with Hono and is an incredibly easy way to create an API. Contact OurTechnology Visit our website Email us! Find us on LinkedIn While this is on Cameron Pak's ValTown, this code is owned and operated by OurTechnology.
stevekrouse avatar
Clone of @maxm/staticChess but for Wordle. Every letter is a link. The game state is stored in the URL bar. You could do silly things like playing collaborative Wordle with your friends by trading links back and forth. Or undo any mistakes by clicking the back button. I also make it easy to generate a new game from any of your current game's guesses – to send to a friend. They key to these static games like this one and @maxm/staticChess is to figure out: a representation for your game state (the Game type ) how to encode/decode your game state into the URL ( base64-encoding JSON ) how to render your game state into HTML ( looping over guesses and making divs ) placing the links into your HTML in the right spots (on my on-screen keyboard ) prettify with CSS (for guesses and the keyboard )
stevekrouse avatar
Import a val script in the chrome console Say you're developing a chrome extension or some other little script and you're iterating in the chrome console. Over time you may write larger pieces of code that you want to save as a group. Or maybe you want to use TypeScript, which isn't supported in browsers natively. Val Town can provide a decent workflow here. Save your code in a Script val Ensure the val is Public or Unlisted In the chrome console, import your val's module url. For example, for this val it would look like this: let {test} = await import(`https://esm.town/v/stevekrouse/importValInChromeConsole?${Math.random()}`) I added a random number to the end of the string to prevent your browser from caching the import. So now you can save in Val Town and then re-run your import line in the Chrome console and the script will re-run in the Chrome console.
maxm avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
A Go http handler running in Val Town: The Go source is here . Mandelbrot rendering code taken from here . I used maxm/compileAndUploadTinygoWasm to compile the code and create the val. $ git clone git@github.com:maxmcd/go-town.git $ cd go-town/val-town-tinygo-http-example $ deno run --allow-net --allow-run --allow-read "https://esm.town/v/maxm/compileAndUploadTinygoWasm?v=58" Running tinygo build -o main.wasm -target=wasi . Compliation complete Running wasm-strip main.wasm Copy the following into a val town HTTP val: import { wasmHandler } from "https://esm.town/v/maxm/tinygoHttp"; const resp = await fetch("https://maxm-wasmblobhost.web.val.run/jpxqvyy5tphiwehzklmioklpkpz4gpzs.wasm"); const handler = await wasmHandler(new Uint8Array(await resp.arrayBuffer())); export default async function(req: Request): Promise<Response> { return handler(req); }
maxm avatar
Check it out here: https://chess.maxmcd.com Plain, brutalist, no bloat chess. Every page is only html and css. Every chess move is made by clicking a link. Send a link to your friend and they'll send you one back to make your move. No silly animations or slick interactivity to trip up your gameplay. When Google indexes this site will we successfully compute all possible chess moves? Functionality is quite limited, and things might be broken. Please let me know if you find bugs! Inspired by this HN discussion about sites that have all possible game states of tic-tac-toe. I plan on extending this to support real gameplay. I think it could be a nice simple interface for long form games with friends. Might also be fun to add a static AI to play against. Feel free to PR any changes if you'd like to see something added.
harper avatar
A simple bot that will grab the products from a shopify store and check for new products or products in stock. If they are found it will send a pushover alert.
yawnxyz avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from yawnxyz/voice
emilycoe avatar
An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by emilycoe
stevekrouse avatar
Client Side React Helper Example Usage /** @jsxImportSource https://esm.sh/react */ import { useState } from "https://esm.sh/react@18.2.0"; import react_http from "https://esm.town/v/stevekrouse/react_http?v=6"; export function App() { const [count, setCount] = useState(0); return ( <div> <h1>Example App</h1> <button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)} className="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded" > {count} </button> </div> ); } export default () => react_http({ component: App, sourceURL: import.meta.url, head: `<meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> <title>Example App</title>`, }); Gotchas Only use https imports The val with your React component will be imported in the browser. Thus, only use https imports in this val and any that it imports. Replace any npm: with https://esm.sh/ and everything should work great.
stevekrouse avatar
Forked from stevekrouse/reloadOnSave
stevekrouse avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from stevekrouse/calories_old
ramkarthik avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
A minimal bookmarking tool This allows you to bookmark links and view them later. Completely powered by ValTown and SQLite. To set this up for yourself Fork the val From your ValTown settings page, add an environment variable named bookmarks_client_id and give it a value (you will be using this for saving) Add another environment variable named bookmarks_client_secret and give it a value (you will also be using this for saving) At first, the "bookmarks" table will not exist, so we need to save an article first, which will create the "bookmarks" table To do this, add a bookmarklet to your browser with this value (replace BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-ID and BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-SECRET with the values you added to the environment variables, and replace BOOKMARKS-URL with your VAL's URL): javascript:void(open('BOOKMARKS-URL/save?u='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)+'&id=BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-ID&secret=BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-SECRET', 'Bookmark a link', 'width=400,height=450')) Click this bookmarklet to bookmark the URL of the current active tab Go to your VAL URL homepage to see the bookmark Demo Here are my bookmarks: https://ramkarthik-bookmark.web.val.run/ Note Make sure you don't share bookmarks_client_id and bookmarks_client_secret . It is used for authentication before saving a bookmark.
wilhelm avatar
Sends me an email if Sweden's requirements for EU Blue Card changes. Checks once an hour.