

mayor of val town
stevekrouse avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Forked from stevekrouse/cron
stevekrouse avatar
CronGPT This is a minisite to help you create cron expressions, particularly for crons on Val Town. It was inspired by Cron Prompt , but also does the timezone conversion from wherever you are to UTC (typically the server timezone). Tech Hono for routing ( GET / and POST /compile .) Hono JSX HTMX (probably overcomplicates things; should remove) @stevekrouse/openai, which is a light wrapper around @std/openai I'm finding HTMX a bit overpowered for this, so I have two experimental forks without it: Vanilla client-side JavaScript: @stevekrouse/cron_client_side_script_fork Client-side ReactJS (no SSR): @stevekrouse/cron_client_react_fork I think (2) Client-side React without any SSR is the simplest architecture. Maybe will move to that.
kaleidawave avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
For the future playground for the Ezno type checker: https://github.com/kaleidawave/ezno/pull/115 Can save an id for a content and recall content from an id (thus acting as a sort of compressor) Inspired by how the https://play.rust-lang.org/ shares playgrounds. (However uses a SQL-lite db hosted by Valtown rather than GitHub gists)
pranjaldotdev avatar
bytes.dev newsletter notifier Tech Stack val.town - Infrastructure SQLite - Database Deno - Runtime Pushover - Notifications How it works At the lowest level it is powered by 3 main scripts, which are invoked by a scheduled cron job that runs daily scraper Goes to bytes.dev and scrapes latest published newsletter inserter Insert it to SQLite if this newsletter already not exists notifier Uses Pushover API to send ios mobile notifications Pushover notifications
mmcc avatar
Forked from pomdtr/basicAuth
pomdtr avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
HTTP Client Attach a postman-like http client to your vals, with bookmarks and history support Usage Wrap your http handler in an the httpClient middleware. import {httpClient} from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/http_client" export default httpClient((req) => { return new Response("Hello World!") }) The http client will be shown on the root. Adding bookmarks You might want to bookmark some requests you need often. You can do it by passing a bookmark list as a middleware option: import {httpClient} from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/http_client" export default httpClient((req) => { return new Response("Hello World!") }, { bookmarks: [ { "label": "Dummy Request", "request": new Request("https://dummyjson.com/products") } ]}) Customizing the client path import {httpClient} from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/http_client" export default httpClient((req) => { return new Response("Hello World!") }, { path: "/http-client" }) TODO [ ] fix syntax highlighting on successive request [ ] allow to prefill the initial request
pomdtr avatar
CodeMirror Web Component Available Attributes language readonly code theme API You can access the code using the code property: document.getElementById("editor").code
pomdtr avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
User with Most Vals
vladimyr avatar
// SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD
pomdtr avatar
Lucia Adapter for val.town Usage import { ValTownAdapter } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/lucia_adapter"; import { Lucia } from "npm:lucia@3.0.1"; const adapter = new ValTownAdapter({ user: "user", session: "session", }); const lucia = new Lucia(adapter)
vladimyr avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Val Shot Generate val source code screenshot using sourcecodeshots.com ⚠️ This service is offered for personal use under a reasonable usage policy as stated here: https://sourcecodeshots.com/docs 📣 Special thanks to @pomdtr for their help and contributions! Usage https://vladimyr-valshot.web.val.run/v/<author>/<val> Example https://vladimyr-valshot.web.val.run/v/vladimyr/valshot https://vladimyr-valshot.web.val.run/v/pomdtr/readme
pomdtr avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Test Explorer Click on the play button next to list items to run them. Usage Fork this val Create new tests in any of vals (and export them) (see @pomdtr/example_test) import { assertEquals } from "https://deno.land/std@0.216.0/assert/mod.ts"; import { Test } from "https://esm.town/v/<account>/test_explorer"; export const exampleTestSuccess = new Test(() => { assertEquals(1 + 1, 2); }); export const exampleTestFailure = new Test(() => { assertEquals(1 + 1, 3); }); Go to https://<account>-test_explorer.web.val.run to run your test click on the val name to go to the val the tests are originating from click on the test name to run it ℹ️ You probably want to protect your test explorer behind an authentication middleware like @pomdtr/basicAuth Discovery mechanism In order to define a test, the user need to import the Test class from https://val.town/v/<account>/Test . So we can use the api to search for vals containing the https://val.town/v/<account>/Test string to locate the vals containing tests. Next, we need to extract the tests from the val exports. We use exported instanceof Test to filter them (at some point we will probably use static analysis for this). TODO [x] persist test results in sqlite [x] Improve styling (help welcome ❤️) [ ] View logs in a modal [ ] Batch http requests
postpostscript avatar
Forked from postpostscript/html
postpostscript avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
moduleHighlightValueLink: Link to a Val With a Value or Method's Code Highlighted Examples: import { moduleHighlightValueLink, getRedirectUrl } from "https://esm.town/v/postpostscript/moduleHighlightValueLink"; console.log(await moduleHighlightValueLink("@std/email", "email")) // https://val.town/v/std/email#L6-42 console.log(await moduleHighlightValueLink("@postpostscript/moduleHighlightValueLink", "moduleHighlightValueLink")) // https://val.town/v/postpostscript/moduleHighlightValueLink#L6-20 // get URL you can imbed in an iframe console.log(getRedirectUrl("@postpostscript/moduleHighlightValueLink", "getRedirectUrl", true)); // https://postpostscript-modulehighlightvaluelink.web.val.run/?embed=1&module=%40postpostscript%2FmoduleHighlightValueLink&name=getRedirectUrl Iframe example: import { htmlResponse } from "https://esm.town/v/postpostscript/html"; import { getRedirectUrl } from "https://esm.town/v/postpostscript/moduleHighlightValueLink"; export default async function(req: Request): Promise<Response> { return htmlResponse` <iframe src="${getRedirectUrl(import.meta.url, "default", true)}" width="100%" height="100%"> </iframe> `; }
postpostscript avatar
sqliteBuilder: Opinionated safe(r) query builder using tagged templates import { Statement } from "https://esm.town/v/postpostscript/sqliteBuilder"; const unsafeId = "1234 or TRUE" console.log(Statement` SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ${unsafeId} ${Statement`AND otherCondition`} `) // StatementInstance { // sql: "\nSELECT *\nFROM table\nWHERE id = ?\nAND otherCondition\n", // args: [ "1234 or TRUE" ], // log: false // } const results = await Statement`SELECT ...`.execute() // [ { key: "value", anotherKey: "anotherValue" }, ... ] Or you can pass it directly to @std/sqlite.execute : import { sqlite } from "https://esm.town/v/std/sqlite" await sqlite.execute(Statement`Select ...`) You can combine multiple statements using Statement.prototype.combineWith : Statement`...`.combineWith(Statement`...`, " AND ") [ Statement`fieldA`, Statement`fieldB`, Statement`fieldC`, ].reduce((a, b) => a.combineWith(b, ", "))
stevekrouse avatar
HTTP (deprecated)
Starter App for ssr_react_mini You need to export four things: loader - runs on any GET request, on the server. it accepts the Request and returns the props of your React compnent. action - runs on the server on any non-GET, ie POST, PUT, DELETE, or <form> s submit Component - your React component. it's initially server-rendered and then client-hydrated default - you should mostly leave this line alone This is framework is bleeding-edge. You'll need to read the code of the framework itself (it's very short) to understand what it's doing. If you have questions or comments, please comment below on this val! (or any of these vals)