

Joined February 20, 2023
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HTTP (deprecated)
Cross-origin cookie test Reacquaint myself with how modern browsers deal with cross-origin cookies. Specifically, how aggressive does Safari limit them nowadays? (Answer: very aggressive, to the point of just disabling them.) This endpoint simply tries to assign a 28-day-from-now-expiring device cookie when requested, providing all of the obligatory-in-2024 cookie flags and headers to allow cross-origin support. You can request it from another origin in different browsers and inspect if cookies are sent back or not (either via sendBeacon or fetch(..., {credentials: "include"}) or in the iframe browser preview below). Chrome and Firefox subsequently send back a persistent cookie; Safari does not. Edge probably does what Chrome does. I dunno what Braze does.
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HTTP (deprecated)
An interesting Harper's message of the day when I open a shell. Setup crontab to grab updates on the first of the month 10 0 1 * * curl -s https://visnup-harpers.web.val.run > $HOME/.motd ~/.config/fish/functions/fish_greeting.fish to pick a random line on new fish shell; other shell support left to the reader function fish_greeting set line (random 1 (cat ~/.motd | wc -l)) awk "NR==$line" ~/.motd | fold -s -w (tput cols) end