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vladimyr avatar

Can we make it machine-readable by decorating it with the appropriate rel attribute? 💡

Possible ways to do that would be:

  1. adding another link element with DCTerms.source relation:
<link rel="DCTERMS.source" href="${valSlug}">
  1. decorating anchor element with code-repository relation
<a href="${valSlug}" rel="code-repository" target="_blank" class="github-fork-ribbon" data-ribbon="Code on Val Town" title="Code on Val Town" >
  1. decorating anchor element with proposed source relation
<a href="${valSlug}" rel="source" target="_blank" class="github-fork-ribbon" data-ribbon="Code on Val Town" title="Code on Val Town" >

Personally, I would pick the third option because val is not really a code-repository, and adding an extra link element kinnda feels wrong 🤷‍♂️

andreterron avatar

Added the third option!

vladimyr avatar

Awesome! Now I just need to build webextension to parse those rel-s and show the confetti effect on every detected occurrence 😎

Updated: February 29, 2024