
This val implements a simple key/value database with GitHub, in a CRUD way.

The key is a file path within a repository. The value is the file content.

The val needs a GitHub token to access the GitHub API, the account name and the repository name.

Also, the val needs GHDB_API_KEY variable. This value defines the exptected value of the GHDB_API_KEY header to allow access to the endpoints.


  • GET /data/path/to/file.ext - read file
  • GET /raw/path/to/file.ext - read file from GitHub CDN (10 times faster)
  • DELETE /data/path/to/file.ext - delete file
  • POST /data/path/to/file.ext - create file
  • PUT /data/path/to/file.ext - update/commit file
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Updated: September 19, 2024