- Open: Version+697-0/** @jsxImportSource */import Cerebras from "";import Chart from "";import React, { useEffect, useState } from "";import { createRoot } from "";import { Prism as SyntaxHighlighter } from "";import { tomorrow } from "";const STARTER_PROMPTS = ["todo list app persisted in local storage","weather app using open-meteo API","interactive markdown editor with live preview","pomodoro timer with sound notifications","simple drawing canvas with color picker","recipe ingredient converter and scaler","morse code translator with audio output","random quote generator with tweet functionality","personal finance tracker with basic charts","multiplayer rock-paper-scissors game",];function Dashboard() {const [stats, setStats] = useState<{totalGenerations: number;totalVersions: number;totalProjects: number;popularPrompts: { prompt: string; count: number }[];dailyGenerations: { date: string; count: number }[];}>({totalGenerations: 0,totalVersions: 0,totalProjects: 0,popularPrompts: [],dailyGenerations: [],});
Updated: December 3, 2024