• dvsj avatar
    You know how when you paste a URL in Twitter or Slack it shows you a nice preview? This val gives you that data. Given a URL, this will return metadata about the website like title , description , imageURL , image as base64 etc. Sample input - paste this in your URL bar https://dvsj-GetWebsiteMetadata.web.val.run?targetURL=https://dvsj.in https://dvsj-GetWebsiteMetadata.web.val.run?targetURL=<your-target-url-here> Sample output: { status: 200, url: "https://dvsj.in", title: "Dav-is-here ➜", description: "Davis' not-so-secret stash", imgUrl: "https://www.dvsj.in/cover-picture.png", imgData: "" } FAQ: Why is imgData sent when imgUrl is already present? Because you shouldn't hotlink images from 3rd parties. Store the base64 image on your server and use it in your app. It's unfair to use their server bandwidth and could be a security issue for you if they change the content of the link later.
    HTTP (deprecated)
April 8, 2024