- This val implements a Toll Management and Payment System with separate interfaces for drivers, toll operators, and administrators.
- User Authentication: Register and login as a driver, toll operator, or administrator.
- Profile Management: Update user profile information.
- Vehicle Registration: Drivers can register and view their vehicles.
- Transaction History: Drivers can view their recent toll transactions.
- Toll Booth Management: Operators can view and update toll booth statuses.
- Revenue Reporting: Administrators can view revenue reports.
- Traffic Analytics: Administrators can access traffic analytics data.
- Driver: Can register vehicles, view transaction history, and manage their profile.
- Toll Operator: Can manage toll booth statuses.
- Administrator: Can access revenue reports and traffic analytics.
- Register an account with your desired role (driver, operator, or admin).
- Log in to access your role-specific dashboard.
- Navigate through the application using the provided links and forms.
- Note: This is a simplified version of a toll management system and does not include all features of a production-ready application. */
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Updated: October 30, 2024