
Re-implements Unsplash Source which was a service hosted at that served random photos from Unsplash.

To use this, you'll want to fork it, provide your own Unsplash API key, and configure the allowed domains.

Read more:

Val Town is a social website to write and deploy JavaScript.
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stevekrouse avatar

This is awesome! Thanks for writing the excellent blog post on this too. I'll feature it in the next Val Town newsletter

ps - I get this error about 50% of the time I load GET / uncached:

Screenshot 2025-01-21 at 12.37.23@2x.png

Just wanted to make you aware - lmk if you'd like help debugging

pinjasaur avatar

hey Steve! that's great — excited to see it on the newsletter 🎉❤️

would love some help debugging — I just started a new role so I'm a bit low on time & bandwidth right now. I don't believe I've seen that error before so if you have any ideas on that stacktrace or how to reproduce it more consistently please let me know. either in this comment thread or my contact info is here:
