
Excalidraw, embedded inside Val Town !

The drawing will be persisted in your blobs as json / png / svg.

You can access the drawing source directly using the /json, /png and /svg subpaths. For example, to embed the image in a markdown document, you can use:


Val Town is a social website to write and deploy JavaScript.
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all avatar

possible to update excalidraw? new elbow features image.png

pomdtr avatar

Yeah it should be easy, I plan to focus on creating/updating apps after releasing smallweb 0.14.0

all avatar

nice - thank you. i saw you were the reason it works on here because of the jsr package. great work

pomdtr avatar

Yeah I found a way to embed a full blown app as a single jsr import, I think it's pretty neat :)
Updated: June 27, 2024