• stevekrouse avatar
    Open the Val Town Office Doors with Switchbot We installed two switchbot robots in our office: Ground Floor Office Door This webpage will let Val Town employees or guests to use these bots. The original version of this val was for a party. That fork is preserved here: @stevekrouse/switchbot_party Next steps [ ] Remove party theme [ ] Add one of @pomdtr's login methods [ ] Allow all @val.town emails to login [ ] Have any other email login ping me for approval or make a private val with a list of approved emails [ ] Add the office door to the site [ ] Add instructions (ie turn off wifi completely downstairs; be gentle with the office door one) Switchbot API This val authenticates to the switchbot API with SWITCHBOT_TOKEN and SWITCHBOT_KEY . Learn how to get your own Switchbot API keys here: Switchbot Docs .
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  • nbbaier avatar
    Forked from pomdtr/article
  • nbbaier avatar
    My Val Town Wish List Some things I'd love to see come to val town (some of these are already on the way according to the team) [x] Editing a val's readme through the API [x] A command bar (something like paco's cmdk would be dope ) [ ] The ability or programmatically respond to events (like a val being run) right within Val Town [ ] User defined templates usable right in the val creation flow [ ] Public folders / ability to add readmes to folders [ ] Dynamic folders (ala Tana's search nodes ) [ ] Custom val metadata (such as tags) [ ] A more fully featured markdown editor for readmes
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  • postpostscript avatar
    jwks Required Setup Fork this val Set JWKS Environment Variables Go to https://postpostscript-generatejwksenv.web.val.run/?prefix=JWKS Follow the steps there with the prefix "JWKS" If you want to set the keys up manually, set up env vars JWKS_PRIVATE and JWKS_PUBLIC as JWKS with the algorithm RS512 in this format: { "keys": [ { ... } ] }
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  • stevekrouse avatar
    Forked from pomdtr/code_search_is_easy
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  • maxm avatar
    // This approach injects a notification indicator with a counter into the top toolbar
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  • pomdtr avatar
    Test Explorer Click on the play button next to list items to run them. Usage Fork this val Create new tests in any of vals (and export them) (see @pomdtr/example_test) import { assertEquals } from "https://deno.land/std@0.216.0/assert/mod.ts"; import { Test } from "https://esm.town/v/<account>/test_explorer"; export const exampleTestSuccess = new Test(() => { assertEquals(1 + 1, 2); }); export const exampleTestFailure = new Test(() => { assertEquals(1 + 1, 3); }); Go to https://<account>-test_explorer.web.val.run to run your test click on the val name to go to the val the tests are originating from click on the test name to run it ℹ️ You probably want to protect your test explorer behind an authentication middleware like @pomdtr/basicAuth Discovery mechanism In order to define a test, the user need to import the Test class from https://val.town/v/<account>/Test . So we can use the api to search for vals containing the https://val.town/v/<account>/Test string to locate the vals containing tests. Next, we need to extract the tests from the val exports. We use exported instanceof Test to filter them (at some point we will probably use static analysis for this). TODO [x] persist test results in sqlite [x] Improve styling (help welcome ❤️) [ ] View logs in a modal [ ] Batch http requests
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  • saolsen avatar
    Forked from pomdtr/mdx_readme
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  • pomdtr avatar
    An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by pomdtr
  • wlxiaozhzh avatar
    Forked from janpaul123/VALLE
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  • vladimyr avatar
    An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by vladimyr
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  • nbbaier avatar
    An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by nbbaier
  • wlxiaozhzh avatar
    Forked from janpaul123/valleBlogV0
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  • maxm avatar
    Infinite SVG Graph A connected graph of AI-generated SVG images. Ask it to make any kind of SVG. Add your contribution to the graph. Make it POP!
  • janpaul123 avatar
    Forked from janpaul123/reacttldrawclient
  • nbbaier avatar
    An interactive, runnable TypeScript val by nbbaier
May 30, 2024