HTTP (deprecated)
version 28

Open the Val Town Office Doors with Switchbot

We installed two switchbot robots in our office:

  1. Ground Floor
  2. Office Door

This webpage will let Val Town employees or guests to use these bots.

The original version of this val was for a party. That fork is preserved here: @stevekrouse/switchbot_party

Next steps

  • Remove party theme
  • Add one of @pomdtr's login methods
  • Allow all emails to login
  • Have any other email login ping me for approval or make a private val with a list of approved emails
  • Add the office door to the site
  • Add instructions (ie turn off wifi completely downstairs; be gentle with the office door one)

Switchbot API

This val authenticates to the switchbot API with SWITCHBOT_TOKEN and SWITCHBOT_KEY.

Learn how to get your own Switchbot API keys here: Switchbot Docs.

Val Town is a social website to write and deploy JavaScript.
Build APIs and schedule functions from your browser.
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August 5, 2024