nbbaier avatar
SQLite Explorer View and interact with your Val Town SQLite data. It's based off Steve's excellent SQLite Admin val, adding the ability to run SQLite queries directly in the interface. This new version has a revised UI and that's heavily inspired by LibSQL Studio by invisal . This is now more an SPA, with tables, queries and results showing up on the same page. Install Install the latest stable version (v86) by forking this val: Authentication Login to your SQLite Explorer with password authentication with your Val Town API Token as the password. Todos / Plans [ ] improve error handling [ ] improve table formatting [ ] sticky table headers [x] add codemirror [ ] add loading indication to the run button (initial version shipped) [ ] add ability to favorite queries [ ] add saving of last query run for a table (started) [ ] add visible output for non-query statements [ ] add schema viewing [ ] add refresh to table list sidebar after CREATE/DROP/ALTER statements [ ] add automatic execution of initial select query on double click [x] add views to the sidebar [ ] add triggers to sidebar [ ] add upload from SQL, CSV and JSON [ ] add ability to connect to a non-val town Turso database [x] fix wonky sidebar separator height problem (thanks to @stevekrouse) [x] make result tables scrollable [x] add export to CSV, and JSON (CSV and JSON helper functions written in this val . Thanks to @pomdtr for merging the initial version!) [x] add listener for cmd+enter to submit query
pomdtr avatar
Email Auth for Val Town ⚠️ Require a pro account (needed to send email to users) Usage Create an http server, and wrap it in the emailAuth middleware. import { emailAuth } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/email_auth" import { verifyUserEmail } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/verifyUserEmail" export default emailAuth((req) => { return new Response(`your mail is ${req.headers.get("X-User-Email")}`); }, { verifyEmail: verifyUserEmail }); 💡 If you do not want to put your email in clear text, just move it to an env var (ex: Deno.env.get("email") ) If you want to allow anyone to access your val, just use: import { emailAuth } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/email_auth" export default emailAuth((req) => { return new Response(`your mail is ${req.headers.get("X-User-Email")}`); }, { verifyEmail: (_email) => true }); Each time someone tries to access your val but is not allowed, you will get an email with: the email of the user trying to log in the name of the val the he want to access You can then just add the user to your whitelist to allow him in (and the user will not need to confirm his email again) ! TODO [ ] Add expiration for verification codes and session tokens [ ] use links instead of code for verification [ ] improve errors pages
pomdtr avatar
Lastlogin Authentication for val.town Looking for an hono integration ? See @pomdtr/lastloginHono Support login in trough: Email Link QR Code Google Oauth Github Oauth Gitlab Oauth Facebook Oauth Demo You can try a demo at https://pomdtr-lastloginhonoexample.web.val.run (see @pomdtr/lastLoginHonoExample for code) Usage Wrap your http handlers in a lastlogin middleware (sessions will be persisted in the lastlogin_session table on your sqlite account). If you want to be the only one able to access your val, you can use @pomdtr/verifyUserEmail. import { lastlogin } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/lastlogin"; import { verifyUserEmail } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/verifyUserEmail"; export default lastlogin((req) => { return new Response(`You are logged in as ${req.headers.get("X-LastLogin-Email")}`); }, { // check that the user email match your val town email verifyEmail: verifyUserEmail }); If you want to customize how is allowed to signup, you can set the verifyEmail option: import { lastlogin } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/lastlogin"; export default lastlogin((req) => { return new Response(`You are logged in as ${req.headers.get("X-LastLogin-Email")}`); }, { verifyEmail: (email) => { email == "steve@valtown" } }); You can allow anyone to signup by returning a boolean from the verifyEmail function: import { lastlogin } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/lastlogin"; export default lastlogin((req) => { return new Response(`You are logged in as ${req.headers.get("X-LastLogin-Email")}`); }, { verifyEmail: (_email) => true }); Public Routes import { lastlogin } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/lastlogin"; import { verifyUserEmail } from "https://esm.town/v/pomdtr/verifyUserEmail"; export default lastlogin(() => { return new Response("Hi!"); }, { verifyEmail: verifyUserEmail, public_routes: ["/", "/public/*"], }); See the URLPattern API for reference. Logout Just redirect the user to /auth/logout
Updated: June 6, 2024