- Open: VersionChanges from v29 to v30+3-0⦚ 59 unchanged lines ⦚throw new Error("issuer does not match the format `@handle/name`");}
const url = getValEndpointFromName(`@${author}/jwks`);const method = createVerifyMethod(() => {return fetch(url)⦚ 82 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 59 unchanged lines ⦚throw new Error("issuer does not match the format `@handle/name`");}if (payload.exp && payload.exp < (new Date().getTime() / 1000)) {throw new Error("token has expired");}const url = getValEndpointFromName(`@${author}/jwks`);const method = createVerifyMethod(() => {return fetch(url)⦚ 82 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v28 to v29+6-6⦚ 7 unchanged lines ⦚export type JWTVerifyOptions = jose.JWTVerifyOptions & {
verifyCustomClaims?: Record<string, unknown> | ((payload: jose.JWTPayload) => MaybePromise<Record<string, any>>);customClaimVerifiers?: Record<string, JWTCustomClaimVerifier>;};⦚ 8 unchanged lines ⦚const publicKey = await jose.importJWK((await keys())[0]);const { payload } = await jose.jwtVerify(token, publicKey, options);const customClaims = options.verifyCustomClaims && (options.verifyCustomClaims instanceof Function? await options.verifyCustomClaims(payload): options.verifyCustomClaims);await verifyCustomClaims(payload, customClaims || {}, options.customClaimVerifiers ?? defaultCustomClaimVerifiers);⦚ 61 unchanged lines ⦚async maxUses(payload, claimValue) {if (typeof claimValue !== "number") {throw new Error("option verifyCustomClaims.maxUses must be a number");}if (!payload.jti) {⦚ 52 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 7 unchanged lines ⦚export type JWTVerifyOptions = jose.JWTVerifyOptions & {custom?: Record<string, unknown> | ((payload: jose.JWTPayload) => MaybePromise<Record<string, any>>);customClaimVerifiers?: Record<string, JWTCustomClaimVerifier>;};⦚ 8 unchanged lines ⦚const publicKey = await jose.importJWK((await keys())[0]);const { payload } = await jose.jwtVerify(token, publicKey, options);const customClaims = options.custom && (options.custom instanceof Function? await options.custom(payload): options.custom);await verifyCustomClaims(payload, customClaims || {}, options.customClaimVerifiers ?? defaultCustomClaimVerifiers);⦚ 61 unchanged lines ⦚async maxUses(payload, claimValue) {if (typeof claimValue !== "number") {throw new Error("option custom.maxUses must be a number");}if (!payload.jti) {⦚ 52 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v27 to v28+1-1⦚ 36 unchanged lines ⦚let jwt = new jose.SignJWT({
jit: crypto.randomUUID(),...payload,})⦚ 105 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 36 unchanged lines ⦚let jwt = new jose.SignJWT({jti: crypto.randomUUID(),...payload,})⦚ 105 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v26 to v27+4-1⦚ 35 unchanged lines ⦚const privateKey = await jose.importJWK(_keys[0]);
let jwt = new jose.SignJWT(payload).setProtectedHeader({ alg: _keys[0].alg }).setIssuedAt();⦚ 103 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 35 unchanged lines ⦚const privateKey = await jose.importJWK(_keys[0]);let jwt = new jose.SignJWT({jit: crypto.randomUUID(),...payload,}).setProtectedHeader({ alg: _keys[0].alg }).setIssuedAt();⦚ 103 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v25 to v26+3-3⦚ 7 unchanged lines ⦚export type JWTVerifyOptions = jose.JWTVerifyOptions & {
verifyCustomClaims?: Record<string, any> | ((payload: jose.JWTPayload) => MaybePromise<Record<string, any>>);customClaimVerifiers?: Record<string, JWTCustomClaimVerifier>;};⦚ 10 unchanged lines ⦚const customClaims = options.verifyCustomClaims && (options.verifyCustomClaims instanceof Function? options.verifyCustomClaims(payload): options.verifyCustomClaims);⦚ 84 unchanged lines ⦚export async function verifyCustomClaims(payload,customClaims: Record<string, any>,customClaimVerifiers = defaultCustomClaimVerifiers,) {⦚ 27 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 7 unchanged lines ⦚export type JWTVerifyOptions = jose.JWTVerifyOptions & {verifyCustomClaims?: Record<string, unknown> | ((payload: jose.JWTPayload) => MaybePromise<Record<string, any>>);customClaimVerifiers?: Record<string, JWTCustomClaimVerifier>;};⦚ 10 unchanged lines ⦚const customClaims = options.verifyCustomClaims && (options.verifyCustomClaims instanceof Function? await options.verifyCustomClaims(payload): options.verifyCustomClaims);⦚ 84 unchanged lines ⦚export async function verifyCustomClaims(payload,customClaims: Record<string, unknown>,customClaimVerifiers = defaultCustomClaimVerifiers,) {⦚ 27 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v24 to v25+1-1⦚ 126 unchanged lines ⦚const res = await customClaimVerifiers[key](payload, value);if (!res) {
failures[key] = `custom claim "${key}" verification failed`;}return res;⦚ 12 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 126 unchanged lines ⦚const res = await customClaimVerifiers[key](payload, value);if (!res) {failures[key] = `custom claim "${key}" verification failed for an undisclosed reason`;}return res;⦚ 12 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v23 to v24+24-8import * as jose from "";import type { MaybePromise } from "";export type { JWK, JWTPayload } from "";import { getValEndpointFromName, getValNameFromUrl } from "";export type JWTCustomClaims = Record<string, any>;export type JWTVerifyOptions = jose.JWTVerifyOptions & {verifyCustomClaims?: Record<string, any> | ((payload: jose.JWTPayload) => MaybePromise<Record<string, any>>);};
export type JWTCustomClaimVerifier = (payload: jose.JWTPayload, claim: unknown) => boolean;export function createVerifyMethod(keys: () => MaybePromise<jose.JWK[]>) {return async function verify(token: string,options: JWTVerifyOptions,customClaimVerifiers = defaultCustomClaimVerifiers,) {const publicKey = await jose.importJWK((await keys())[0]);⦚ 4 unchanged lines ⦚: options.verifyCustomClaims);await verifyCustomClaims(payload, customClaims || {}, customClaimVerifiers);return payload;};⦚ 40 unchanged lines ⦚export const defaultCustomClaimVerifiers: Record<string, JWTCustomClaimVerifier> = {scope(payload, claim) {const scopes = claim instanceof Array? claim: [claim];const payloadScopes = typeof payload.scope === "string"import * as jose from "";import type { MaybePromise } from "";export type { JWK, JWTPayload } from "";import { getValEndpointFromName, getValNameFromUrl } from "";import { trackUse } from "";export type JWTCustomClaims = Record<string, any>;export type JWTVerifyOptions = jose.JWTVerifyOptions & {verifyCustomClaims?: Record<string, any> | ((payload: jose.JWTPayload) => MaybePromise<Record<string, any>>);customClaimVerifiers?: Record<string, JWTCustomClaimVerifier>;};export type JWTCustomClaimVerifier = (payload: jose.JWTPayload, claim: unknown) => MaybePromise<boolean>;export function createVerifyMethod(keys: () => MaybePromise<jose.JWK[]>) {return async function verify(token: string,options: JWTVerifyOptions,) {const publicKey = await jose.importJWK((await keys())[0]);⦚ 4 unchanged lines ⦚: options.verifyCustomClaims);await verifyCustomClaims(payload, customClaims || {}, options.customClaimVerifiers ?? defaultCustomClaimVerifiers);return payload;};⦚ 40 unchanged lines ⦚export const defaultCustomClaimVerifiers: Record<string, JWTCustomClaimVerifier> = {scope(payload, claimValue) {const scopes = claimValue instanceof Array? claimValue: [claimValue]; - Open: VersionChanges from v22 to v23+38-3⦚ 24 unchanged lines ⦚: options.verifyCustomClaims);
await verifyCustomClaims(payload, customClaims || {});return payload;};⦚ 55 unchanged lines ⦚};export async function verifyCustomClaims(payload, customClaims: Record<string, any>) {const results = await Promise.all(Object.entries(customClaims).map(([key, value]) => {}),);}⦚ 24 unchanged lines ⦚: options.verifyCustomClaims);await verifyCustomClaims(payload, customClaims || {}, customClaimVerifiers);return payload;};⦚ 55 unchanged lines ⦚};class JWTCustomClaimVerificationFailed extends Error {failures: Record<string, string | Error | undefined>;constructor(message: string, failures: Record<string, string | Error | undefined>, options: ErrorOptions = {}) {super(message, options);this.failures = failures;}}export async function verifyCustomClaims(payload,customClaims: Record<string, any>,customClaimVerifiers = defaultCustomClaimVerifiers,) {const failures: {[key in keyof typeof customClaims]: string | Error | undefined;} = {};const results = await Promise.all(Object.entries(customClaims).map(async ([key, value]) => {if (!(key in customClaimVerifiers)) {failures[key] = `custom claim "${key}" does not have a verifier defined`;return false;}try {const res = await customClaimVerifiers[key](payload, value); - Open: Version+92-0import * as jose from "";import type { MaybePromise } from "";export type { JWK, JWTPayload } from "";import { getValEndpointFromName, getValNameFromUrl } from "";export type JWTCustomClaims = Record<string, any>;export type JWTVerifyOptions = jose.JWTVerifyOptions & {verifyCustomClaims?: Record<string, any> | ((payload: jose.JWTPayload) => MaybePromise<Record<string, any>>);};export type JWTCustomClaimVerifier = (payload: jose.JWTPayload, claim: unknown) => boolean;export function createVerifyMethod(keys: () => MaybePromise<jose.JWK[]>) {return async function verify(token: string,options: JWTVerifyOptions,customClaimVerifiers = defaultCustomClaimVerifiers,) {const publicKey = await jose.importJWK((await keys())[0]);const { payload } = await jose.jwtVerify(token, publicKey, options);const customClaims = options.verifyCustomClaims && (options.verifyCustomClaims instanceof Function? options.verifyCustomClaims(payload): options.verifyCustomClaims);await verifyCustomClaims(payload, customClaims || {});return payload;};}export function createGenerateMethod(keys: () => MaybePromise<jose.JWK[]>) {return async function generate(payload: any, exp?: string | number | Date) {const _keys = await keys();const privateKey = await jose.importJWK(_keys[0]);
Updated: March 7, 2024