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SQLite - Docs ↗ SQLite is a lightweight, standard database. Every Val Town account comes with its own private SQLite database that is accessible from any of your vals via std/sqlite . Val Town SQLite is powered by Turso . Usage Migrations ORMs We recommend these admin data viewers for managing your database – viewing or editing data or your database table schema: Outerbase Studio (recommended) - formely known as LibSQL Studio – see instructions here SQLite Explorer (built in Val Town) Limits You can store 10mb on the free plan and up to 1gb on the paid plan. Contact us if you need more space. 📝 Edit docs
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Opentelemetry Tracing for Vals! Enables Opentelemetry tracing for vals. Exports two functions, init and traced_handler . init will set up opentelemetry. For how to use it see this example val . By default, traces log to the console but if you set HONEYCOMB_API_KEY it'll also push the traces to honeycomb. In the future we can add more export targets for other services. I'm also thinking about making a val to display them. traced_handler is a wrapper for your handler you can use on an HTTP val. Just pass it your HTTP function and export it as the default and it'll trace every request. Here's a screenshot of what the honeycomb view of a trace from my connect playing val looks like.
Updated: January 9, 2024