• stevekrouse avatar
    Big Weather Display Displays the current day's weather information BIG so you can see it from far away. Currently it's hardcoded for: prospect heights, brooklyn charts of the temp and % change of precipitation Probably easiest for you to fork it and change it to suit your needs vs making it customizable
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  • dthyresson avatar
    Play me a song Search and if we find it, it'll open the song in Spotify! Feeling Lucky? Play a random song . Like a band? Play one of their tracks.
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • vpontis avatar
    Forked from stevekrouse/dot_com
  • stevekrouse avatar
    Forked from stevekrouse/stevekrouse_minimal
  • horatiothomas avatar
    Forked from stevekrouse/dot_com
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • Negash avatar
    Forked from stevekrouse/stevekrouse_minimal
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • iamseeley avatar
    @jsxImportSource https://esm.sh/hono@latest/jsx
  • ramkarthik avatar
    A minimal bookmarking tool This allows you to bookmark links and view them later. Completely powered by ValTown and SQLite. To set this up for yourself Fork the val From your ValTown settings page, add an environment variable named bookmarks_client_id and give it a value (you will be using this for saving) Add another environment variable named bookmarks_client_secret and give it a value (you will also be using this for saving) At first, the "bookmarks" table will not exist, so we need to save an article first, which will create the "bookmarks" table To do this, add a bookmarklet to your browser with this value (replace BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-ID and BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-SECRET with the values you added to the environment variables, and replace BOOKMARKS-URL with your VAL's URL): javascript:void(open('BOOKMARKS-URL/save?u='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)+'&id=BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-ID&secret=BOOKMARKS-CLIENT-SECRET', 'Bookmark a link', 'width=400,height=450')) Click this bookmarklet to bookmark the URL of the current active tab Go to your VAL URL homepage to see the bookmark Demo Here are my bookmarks: https://ramkarthik-bookmark.web.val.run/ Note Make sure you don't share bookmarks_client_id and bookmarks_client_secret . It is used for authentication before saving a bookmark.
    HTTP (deprecated)
  • stevekrouse avatar
    @jsxImportSource https://esm.sh/react
    HTTP (deprecated)
February 28, 2024