
content-checker is designed to be a modern, open-source library for programmatic and AI content moderation. Currently content-checker supports image and text moderation. Thanks to LLMs in addition to detecting specific profane words, we can detect malicious intent in text. So, a user who tries to circumvent the AI profanity filter by using a variation of a profane word, or even just a malicious phrase without a specific word in the profanity list, will still be flagged. Image moderation is also supported, using the Inception V3 model of the NSFW JS library.

Future features will include moderation tools (auto-ban, bots), more powerful models, and multimedia support for video and audio moderation.

To get an API key for the AI endpoints sign up free at To install content-checker do npm install content-checker and check out the README:

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Updated: June 3, 2024