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Allows for automatic generation of Hono API compatible with GPTs. Endpoints' inputs and outputs need to be specified via types from which the Open API spec is generated automatically and available via /gpt/schema endpoint. ⚠️ Breaking changes introduced in v23 & 24: nothingToJson doesn't take the generic TResponse anymore. The type is inferred from the endpoint definition. The endpoint definition doesn't need the requestSchema , requestDesc and responseDesc defined anymore. The descriptions are inferred from the schema description. jsonToJson doesn't take the generic TRequest and TResponse anymore. Types are inferred from the endpoint definition. The endpoint definition doesn't need the requestDesc and responseDesc defined anymore. The descriptions are inferred from the schema description. Usage example: import { GptApi } from "https://esm.town/v/xkonti/gptApiFramework"; import { z } from "npm:zod"; /** * COMMON TYPES */ const ResponseCommandSchema = z.object({ feedback: z.string().describe("Feedback regarding submitted action"), command: z.string().describe("The command for the Mediator AI to follow strictly"), data: z.string().optional().describe("Additional data related to the given command"), }).describe("Contains feedback and further instructions to follow"); /** * INITIALIZE API */ const api = new GptApi({ url: "https://xkonti-planoverseerai.web.val.run", title: "Overseer AI API", description: "The API for interacting with the Overseer AI", version: "1.0.0", policyGetter: async () => { const { markdownToPrettyPage } = await import("https://esm.town/v/xkonti/markdownToHtmlPage?v=5"); return await markdownToPrettyPage("# Privacy Policy\n\n## Section 1..."); }, }); /** * REQUIREMENTS GATHERING ENDPOINTS */ api.nothingToJson({ verb: "POST", path: "/newproblem", operationId: "new-problem", desc: "Endpoint for informing Overseer AI about a new problem presented by the User", responseSchema: ResponseCommandSchema, responseDesc: "Instruction on how to proceed with the new problem", }, async (ctx) => { return { feedback: "User input downloaded. Problem analysis is required.", command: await getPrompt("analyze-problem"), data: "", }; }); export default api.serve();
Updated: January 28, 2024