• vladimyr avatar
    Google Feeling Lucky auto-redirect !lucky DuckDuckGo !Bangs offer the following shortcuts for Google's Feeling Lucky (going straight to the first result) search option: !fl - http://www.google.com/search?btnI&q={{{s}}} !gifl - http://google.com/search?btnI=1&q={{{s}}} !gluck - http://www.google.com/search?q={{{s}}}&btnI !lucky - http://www.google.com/search?q={{{s}}}&btnI Unfortunately, they don't work anymore due to redirect notices that get shown. This service enables you to skip redirect notice by altering your search from the original query e.g.: https://www.google.com/search?q=site:developer.mozilla.org+Object.hasOwn&btnI To the modified one made against this val's HTTP endpoint: https://vladimyr-googlefeelinglucky.web.val.run/?q=site:developer.mozilla.org+Object.hasOwn Additionally, you can define custom search shortcut inside your browser to allow a local bang-like experience: Name: Google Feeling Lucky Shortcut: !lucky URL with %s in place of query: https://vladimyr-googlefeelinglucky.web.val.run/?q=%s
    HTTP (deprecated)
April 26, 2024