- Open: VersionChanges from v29 to v30+1-29⦚ 14 unchanged lines ⦚}
function err(message: string): Response {const errorMessage = JSON.stringify({ error: { message, code: 400 } });return response(errorMessage, "application/rss+xml");}function fudgeURL(url: string) {try {return new URL(url);} catch (e) {// console.log("Url parsing failed", e.stack);return new URL("https://" + url);}}function processInput(req: Request) {let ret = {url: undefined as undefined | URL,response: undefined as undefined | Response,};const myurl = new URL(req.url);const pathname = myurl.pathname.substring(1) +;ret.url = fudgeURL(pathname);return ret;}export default async function(req: Request): Promise<Response> {const action = processInput(req);const url = action.url;if (!url) return action.response!;const html = await fetch(url.toString(), {method: req.method,⦚ 14 unchanged lines ⦚}export default async function(req: Request): Promise<Response> {const url = new URL(``);const html = await fetch(url.toString(), {method: req.method,⦚ 74 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v28 to v29+1-1⦚ 96 unchanged lines ⦚if (link && date && title && description && linkFormatted) {items.push({
title: post.textContent!,guid: linkFormatted,link: linkFormatted,⦚ 21 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 96 unchanged lines ⦚if (link && date && title && description && linkFormatted) {items.push({title,guid: linkFormatted,link: linkFormatted,⦚ 21 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v27 to v28+3-2⦚ 84 unchanged lines ⦚const items = [];for (const post of postsLinks) {
const link = post.getAttribute("href");const dateText = post.querySelector(".italic.font-light")?.textContent;const date = dateText ? new Date(dateText) : undefined;const linkFormatted = `${url.origin}/${link}`.replace(/\/\//g, "/");⦚ 3 unchanged lines ⦚${p.textContent}`, "");if (link && date) {items.push({title: post.textContent!,⦚ 23 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 84 unchanged lines ⦚const items = [];for (const post of postsLinks) {const title = post.querySelector(".text-lg.font-extrabold")?.textContent.trim();const link = post.getAttribute("href");const dateText = post.querySelector(".italic.font-light")?.textContent.trim();const date = dateText ? new Date(dateText) : undefined;const linkFormatted = `${url.origin}/${link}`.replace(/\/\//g, "/");⦚ 3 unchanged lines ⦚${p.textContent}`, "");if (link && date && title && description && linkFormatted) {items.push({title: post.textContent!,⦚ 23 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v26 to v27+3-1⦚ 89 unchanged lines ⦚const linkFormatted = `${url.origin}/${link}`.replace(/\/\//g, "/");const paragraphs = Array.from(post.querySelectorAll("p"));
const description = paragraphs.reduce((acc, p) => `${acc} ${p.textContent}`, "");if (link && date) {⦚ 25 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 89 unchanged lines ⦚const linkFormatted = `${url.origin}/${link}`.replace(/\/\//g, "/");const paragraphs = Array.from(post.querySelectorAll("p"));const description = paragraphs.reduce((acc, p) =>`${acc}${p.textContent}`, "");if (link && date) {⦚ 25 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v25 to v26+1-3⦚ 89 unchanged lines ⦚const linkFormatted = `${url.origin}/${link}`.replace(/\/\//g, "/");const paragraphs = Array.from(post.querySelectorAll("p"));
const description = paragraphs.reduce((acc, p) =>`${acc}${p.textContent}`, "");if (link && date) {⦚ 25 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 89 unchanged lines ⦚const linkFormatted = `${url.origin}/${link}`.replace(/\/\//g, "/");const paragraphs = Array.from(post.querySelectorAll("p"));const description = paragraphs.reduce((acc, p) => `${acc} ${p.textContent}`, "");if (link && date) {⦚ 25 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v24 to v25+1-0⦚ 98 unchanged lines ⦚guid: linkFormatted,link: linkFormatted,
description,date,});⦚ 17 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 98 unchanged lines ⦚guid: linkFormatted,link: linkFormatted,author: `Tanner Linsley`,description,date,});⦚ 17 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: VersionChanges from v23 to v24+5-0⦚ 88 unchanged lines ⦚const date = dateText ? new Date(dateText) : undefined;const linkFormatted = `${url.origin}/${link}`.replace(/\/\//g, "/");if (link && date) {items.push({title: post.textContent!,guid: linkFormatted,link: linkFormatted,date,});⦚ 17 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 88 unchanged lines ⦚const date = dateText ? new Date(dateText) : undefined;const linkFormatted = `${url.origin}/${link}`.replace(/\/\//g, "/");const paragraphs = Array.from(post.querySelectorAll("p"));const description = paragraphs.reduce((acc, p) =>`${acc}${p.textContent}`, "");if (link && date) {items.push({title: post.textContent!,guid: linkFormatted,link: linkFormatted,description,date,});⦚ 17 unchanged lines ⦚
- Open: VersionChanges from v22 to v23+3-2⦚ 87 unchanged lines ⦚const dateText = post.querySelector(".italic.font-light")?.textContent;const date = dateText ? new Date(dateText) : undefined;if (link && date) {items.push({title: post.textContent!,
link: `${url.origin}/${link}`.replace(/\/\//g, "/"),date,});⦚ 7 unchanged lines ⦚image: imagePath && {url: image.trim(),guid: url.toString(),title: `Icon for "${title.trim()}"`,link: url.toString(),⦚ 6 unchanged lines ⦚⦚ 87 unchanged lines ⦚const dateText = post.querySelector(".italic.font-light")?.textContent;const date = dateText ? new Date(dateText) : undefined;const linkFormatted = `${url.origin}/${link}`.replace(/\/\//g, "/");if (link && date) {items.push({title: post.textContent!,guid: linkFormatted,link: linkFormatted,date,});⦚ 7 unchanged lines ⦚image: imagePath && {url: image.trim(),title: `Icon for "${title.trim()}"`,link: url.toString(),⦚ 6 unchanged lines ⦚ - Open: Version+114-0import buildRSSFeedString from "";import { DOMParser } from "npm:linkedom@0.16.10";function response(message: string, contentType = "text/markdown"): Response {const headers = new Headers();headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS");headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type, Authorization");headers.set("Access-Control-Max-Age", "86400");headers.set("Content-Type", contentType);return new Response(message, {status: 200,headers: headers,});}function err(message: string): Response {const errorMessage = JSON.stringify({ error: { message, code: 400 } });return response(errorMessage, "application/rss+xml");}function fudgeURL(url: string) {try {return new URL(url);} catch (e) {// console.log("Url parsing failed", e.stack);return new URL("https://" + url);}}function processInput(req: Request) {let ret = {url: undefined as undefined | URL,response: undefined as undefined | Response,};const myurl = new URL(req.url);
Updated: May 26, 2024