
HTML to Markdown Converter

This is a simple web application that converts HTML to Markdown. It provides a clean and efficient way to transform HTML content into Markdown format, which is widely used for documentation and content creation.


  • Easy-to-use Interface: Simple textarea inputs for HTML and Markdown output.
  • Real-time Conversion: Converts HTML to Markdown instantly upon clicking the convert button.
  • Clean Output: Removes scripts, styles, and other non-content elements from the HTML before conversion.
  • Copy to Clipboard: One-click copying of the converted Markdown text.

How It Works

  1. The application uses the Hono framework to create a simple web server.
  2. HTMX is used for handling AJAX requests without writing JavaScript.
  3. Alpine.js provides reactivity for the clipboard functionality.
  4. The Turndown library is used to convert HTML to Markdown.


  1. Paste your HTML content into the "HTML Input" textarea.
  2. Click the "Convert to Markdown" button.
  3. The converted Markdown will appear in the "Markdown Output" textarea.
  4. Use the "Copy to Clipboard" button to easily copy the result.

Technical Details

  • The server removes <script>, <style>, and other non-content tags before conversion.
  • HTML comments are also stripped out.
  • The Markdown output is cleaned to remove excessive whitespace and newlines.

View Source

You can view the source code of this application by clicking the "View Source" link at the bottom of the page.


  • The converter may not handle extremely complex HTML structures perfectly.
  • Some HTML elements might not have a direct Markdown equivalent.

Future Improvements

  • Add options for customizing the Markdown output format.
  • Implement file upload for HTML conversion.
  • Add support for converting Markdown back to HTML.

Feel free to use and modify this converter for your HTML to Markdown conversion needs!

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Updated: August 23, 2024