
Lispaas (lisp as a service) A mini lisp interpreter How to use: To execute code: const result = @zackoverflow.lisp(" (+ 1 2)") To just parse and return the AST: const ast = @zackoverflow.lisp("(+ 1 2)", true) The value returned is the last expression of the program, for example: const lispResult = @zackoverflow.lisp("(+ 1 2) (+ 400 20)")
console.log('Val', lispResult.val === 420) Example: Compute Fibonacci sequence let result = @zackoverflow.lisp(`
(defun fib (x)
(if (<= x 1)
(defun impl (i n-1 n-2)
(if (= x i)
(+ n-1 n-2)
(impl (+ i 1) (+ n-1 n-2) n-1)))
(impl 2 1 0)))
(assert-eq 0 (fib 0))
(assert-eq 1 (fib 1))
(assert-eq 1 (fib 2))
(assert-eq 2 (fib 3))
(assert-eq 3 (fib 4))
(assert-eq 5 (fib 5))
(assert-eq 8 (fib 6))
(assert-eq 13 (fib 7))
`); Documentation Functions You can define a function like so: (defun hello (x) (print x)) Rest/variadic arguments are also supported (defun variable-amount-of-args (...args) (print args))
(variable-amount-of-args "Hello" "World!") Lists Define a list like so: (let ((my-list (list 1 2 3 4)))
(print my-list)
(print (list-get my-list 1))) Internally, a list is just a Javascript array. So indexing is O(1), but that does mean cdr requires copying (vs the linked list implementation). Plists Property lists, or records. Internally these are Javascript objects. Create a plist like so: (set null :key "Value") TODO
Updated: October 23, 2023